TESTE: What's Your Personality Cluster?

Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Thinking

You are:

Organized and logical - a master at puzzles
Competitive in almost any arena of life
Objective when necessary, but passionate about what you truly love
Intolerant of excuses and incompetence

5 comentários:

  1. Faz sentido a personalidade "cliché" onde cada um," é "o melhor!Ou finje.
    Eu tb gosto do essencial, de curtir o tempo, o espaço, ver ...ouvir...ser.
    Ser ...
    Não esquecer.
    Saudações amigas

  2. Eheheheh!

    Fiz o teste e deu-me:

    You are:

    Objective, honest, and credible
    Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests
    More inclined toward ideas than people
    Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional.

    Não está mal, não senhora...


  3. A mim deu:
    You are:

    Objective, honest, and credible
    Intellectually curious, with many diverse interests
    More inclined toward ideas than people
    Fiercely independent and unapologetically unconventional

  4. Bem dois com os mesmos resultados LOL

  5. MMMMM!!!! Fez -me pensar na frase " Ogres are like onions..bláblábláWiskassaquetas...they've got layers...." :) I'm an ogre ;)

    You are:

    Multilayered and complex
    Inspired and driven to achieve your goals
    A visionary with a complete life plan
    Intuitive enough to understand difficult problems, ideas, and people
