2008-07-05 Mummy's little Lolita: The 11-year-old girl whose beauty treatments cost £300 a month to make her look like Barbie Sasha's mother just wants her to be famous
2008-07-08 The mother who wants her 15-year-old daughter to be the next Jordan (and is saving up to buy her a boob job)
Devem pensar que as filhas são barbies e que as podem tratar como objectos... Pessoas frustadas mesmo.
ResponderEliminarShe's just 13 but Scarlett owns a £5,000 designer handbag
ResponderEliminarMeet the teens who spend thousands (of their parent's money) on clothes
2009-04-29 Rise of the child women: The new breed of girls as young as ten who dream of manicures, diets and breast implants
What a sick world when women yearn to look like girls... and little girls are dressed to look like women
ResponderEliminarBy Olivia Lichtenstein
Last updated at 11:43 AM on 19th April 2010
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1267120/What-sick-world-women-yearn-look-like-girls--little-girls-dressed-look-like-women.html#ixzz0lXh2w0X0
Gostei deste post http://pequenoquiproquo.blogspot.com/2011/01/bonecas-de-carne-e-osso.html
ResponderEliminarDollish little girls make photos look creepy
Edição de Dezembro da Vogue francesa, editada por Tom Ford.
deste Post http://riquita1303.blogspot.com/2011/01/da-serie-argumentos-para-o-caso.html
Até botox :s
Há uns anos vi um programa sobre isto que me chocou. Na America há concursos para estas miudas. Os pais passam o ano em estrada para as levar a estes shows e tretas. :S incrivelmente futil
ResponderEliminarConcordo é terrível :s
ResponderEliminarAuch mães loucas :s http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2009907/Viewers-horror-pushy-pageant-mom-filmed-bleaching-childrens-teeth.html
ResponderEliminarViewers' horror as pushy pageant mom is filmed bleaching her children's teeth
The 5 rounds of beauty pageants
contributo da Rakiel Do
Produção de moda da revista Vogue com criança de 10 anos causa polémica
A página do facebook de Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau foi alvo de vários comentários contra a produção de moda, não estando mais disponível.
ResponderEliminar'It's entirely inappropriate': Fashion industry outraged after French label launches lingerie for girls as young as FOUR
ResponderEliminarRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2026694/French-label-Jours-Apr-s-Lunes-launch-lingerie-girls-young-FOUR.html#ixzz1VJdyem00